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DBT : manga couverture

Fanmanga based in the life of Tarble, young brother of Vegeta. The story takes place two years after his visit to Earth. A descendent of Freeza´s family lands on Tech-Tech, with unknown intentions.
Tarble´s fighting spirit has been anxiously waiting for a long time... but things won´t be as easy as they seem, the young saiyan will have to play by the rules of this new tyrant if he wants to guarantee the survival of his planet´s inhabitants.

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Version originale : Español

Mise à jour : En pause

Type : manga - Saga
(lire de gauche à droite)

45 commentaires dans d'autres langues.

fernando27 fernando27 4juil. ch3 p7 esperemos que si, se ha quedado en un buen punto.
PokoYahoo PokoYahoo 19oct. ch3 p7 I still hope you'll continue DBT. You're amazing manga artist.
sheiladotis605 sheiladotis605 20janv. ch1 p3 I am not able to understand from which comic it belongs to. But I am sharing this link from which you can get the idea of Links ar (...)
PokoYahoo PokoYahoo 26sept. ch3 p7 Great work. Is there any chance that this amazing comic will be continued?
PokoYahoo PokoYahoo 28mai ch3 p7 I hope you will draw more pages. :3
PokoYahoo PokoYahoo 28mai ch1 p19 DBM is a trash (my opinion) and Tarbe has a lot of potency!
Setne Setne 11févr. ch3 p7 Waaaaa me encanta :D se seguirá con esta historia?
Setne Setne 11févr. ch2 p9 Que pe... pero... QUE? como pudo caer en eso xD
TheFreakyOtaku195 TheFreakyOtaku195 24nov. ch2 p28 Estoy esperando el siguiente capitulo
josepireh josepireh 15oct. ch3 p7 Buy Avana 200 which is used to treat impotence for men also grab up to 50% off only possible to apply code: XXXXX Check reviews &a (...)
PokoYahoo PokoYahoo 12oct. ch3 p7 Amazing work! You are great!
Gachan Gachan 10août ch2 p24 Sweet Jesus!
Gachan Gachan 10août ch3 p7 Well, this is really awesome! Quality work, pace, art, … Please keep it up :)
Chewys Chewys 10août ch2 p26 Yep, he is. That´s where the T is from.
Chewys Chewys 10août ch2 p26 Tarble! Vegeta´s little brother



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