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Chewys 31

Yesss!!! Welcome Doru and Brocco!!!
This two characters are taken from Dragon Ball SQ, an incredible fanmanga written by Moffet1990 and various artists.


In the original Brocco is Nappa´s son and Doru is Raditz´s. At first i intended to keep them that way, to show how saiyan society kept advancing in this Universe (raditz having a son and all) but only 15 years have passed since Planet Vegeta´s destruction at this point. And Doru seems at least of 18, so he could never be Raditz´s son.
That´s why Doru here is Raditz´s cousin


Chewys 13/08/2017 16:44:20   
AnimeChicken 5

I thought he was Turles at first


AnimeChicken 24/08/2017 15:48:57   
venuu 19

than his skin would a tad darker


venuu 25/08/2017 03:20:53   
Chewys 31

Sí!!! Bienvenidos Broco y Doru!!!
Estos personajes fueron tomados de Dragon Ball SQ. Un increíble fanmanga escrito por Moffet1990 y dibujado por varios artistas.
No dejen de verlo y comentarlo!


Chewys 13/08/2017 16:51:04   
Juan-K sempai 6

el link esta caido u_u


Juan-K sempai 24/08/2017 21:42:30   
Chewys 31

Prueba con este!



Chewys 24/08/2017 22:52:37   
venuu 19

doru looks a lot like goku


venuu 24/08/2017 11:14:47   
Chewys 31

They are relatives after all


Chewys 24/08/2017 17:38:24   
venuu 19

raditz is a relative and doesn't look like goku


venuu 25/08/2017 03:19:40   
John Boredonquixote 10

That third panel caught me off guard!I never thought Saiyans were homophobes,i always envisioned them as a spartan society!


John Boredonquixote 24/08/2017 15:37:17   
Chewys 31

They are certenly not homophobes. But they sure are very childish.
I don`t know if Tomma and Bardock have an affair or not, it´s irrelevant.
The joke was about not taking Tommas opinion into account because he can´t be objective because he is too close to Bardock (being in the same team and all). Should Tomma be a girl the joke would be exactly the same: as I said,i wanted to show the immature nature of the saiyans, not their sexual prefrences.


Chewys 24/08/2017 17:44:29   
venuu 19

that joke isn't even a homophobic joke


venuu 25/08/2017 03:20:06   
Forofgold 28

Esa saiyan actua como una cria


Forofgold 16/06/2021 23:39:01   
Ap0caliptic0t0tal 12

Aparecen primos de la nada, como cuando alguien se muere y aparecen 20 primos segundos de dudosa legitimidad sanguínea.


Ap0caliptic0t0tal 02/12/2023 05:01:12   

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Saint Seiya Lakis chapter Gaiden

Saint Seiya Lakis chapter Gaiden: couverture




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Traduction par : Delta75

Version originale: Français

Rythme de publication: Mercredi

Type : manga

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