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2 weeks later. Vegeta to the Cooler force.

Vegeta: And that's how I escaped death for the third time that day. Yeah man, I got DESTROYED. FOR THE THIRD TIME. ON THE SAME DAY. All by a midget, a three eyed cyclops, and a green slug.
Sauza: Why are you telling me this?
Vegeta; Easy, because I know you'll never tell anyone Sauza.
Sauza: Why wouldnt I tell.... ¨Vaporized

Vegeta: God I love theraphy.

This....IS MY BOOMSTICK 05/03/2022 20:03:39   
videogames518 1

Sauza: waiting in line at King Yemma's check out station I'll see you in hell, cousin Jeice.

videogames518 03/05/2022 21:33:12   
luca1 6

Anyone else thinks that Arale is not going to let him leave Earth? Else why bother to intoduce her here at all I think... Finishing him off at this state would be a piece of cake for her

luca1 03/05/2022 09:15:58   
HyperSonic_1985 3

I wonder how strong Vegeta will be ones he reach Namek?
I bet he's be around Ginyu's power level since he was healed twice on Earth plus been healed on the planet he landed before getting to Namek.

HyperSonic_1985 03/05/2022 09:40:11   
Chewys 31

Hello!!! A new month begins. Happy worker's day, late, to all!!!

I'm a little better and eager to get back into the rhythm. I hope I can accommodate my times.

As always, if you like the comic and want to lend a hand, I leave you my Patreon:


Thank you very much and I hope you enjoy the chapter. The beginning of several new adventures is coming.

Chewys 03/05/2022 12:18:33   
anavah2003 1

they will play voleyball with the spaceship...

anavah2003 03/05/2022 21:33:39   
Rafael955 4

I wouldn't be surprised if Arale headbutt/kick his spaceship and send it flying straight to the Sun lol.

Rafael955 03/05/2022 22:37:48   
Salagir 32

Eat the floating ball, twins!!

Salagir 15/12/2023 08:19:19   
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DBM U3 & U9: Una Tierra sin Goku

DBM U3 & U9: Una Tierra sin Goku: couverture




Auteur :

Équipe : , , , ,

Traduction par : This....IS MY BOOMSTICK

Version originale: Español

Rythme de publication: Mardi, Samedi

Type : manga

Genre : Action


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