Auteur : Chewys
Équipe : This....IS MY BOOMSTICK, Demerzel, Gregoreo, bnkjk, JustWatchingManga
Traduction par : This....IS MY BOOMSTICK
Version originale: Español
Rythme de publication: Mardi, Samedi
Type : manga
Genre : Action
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English community Is so quiet these days... And not many readers have climbed aboard for a while now
Chewys 07/07/2022 00:11:20If you are a reader and you like the comic please share it!!!
And also, you can consider spending a dollar a month or so to help this project grow!!!
In the last years I've always followed any single page of this manga, I can't wait the days in the week when they are released
Sorry if I never posted anything, this story is amazing and I really hope you will keep to working on it, I'm your big fan
Raziel Kriegor 07/07/2022 19:10:12Auteur
Thanks a lot for your comment!!!
Chewys 08/07/2022 12:12:38I've followed your amazing manga for years. Already talk about it to my friends and I know they are reading it.
MShanks 07/07/2022 23:04:30I enjoy every new page ! I'm also a big fan
(french reader here)
Hey!!! Thanks for the comment anda the share!!
Chewys 08/07/2022 12:13:15We may be quiet but we lurk a lot
Konzraid 08/07/2022 10:23:01Auteur
Hahaha, well hello there!
Chewys 08/07/2022 12:13:34we are here Chewys
- I also check out every page - uni 9 is one of the most interesting ones for me - can't say I am not happy about you making Kururin an active part of uni 3 too
luca1 08/07/2022 12:17:35Even if Picollo is going to triumph in the end the fight should be entertaining