Auteur : Europale98, Tsubaki de Vela, mista, Atalante, Ouv, BigFire
Équipe : diogo, Elramis, Aledileo, Absalom, BK-81, melow, Anubis, mista, vincentlenga
Traduction par : redfirev2
Version originale: Français
Rythme de publication: Mardi, Samedi
Type : manga
Genre : Action
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I got the translation for this page, but the translator don't have every the text box correctly located.
Coyona Tercero 02/02/2012 18:18:27Auteur
Coyona Tercero a dit:I got the translation for this page, but the translator don't have every the text box correctly located.
Ouv 02/02/2012 23:56:32It should be OK now: I placed the Text boxes
Ouv a dit:Coyona Tercero a dit:I got the translation for this page, but the translator don't have every the text box correctly located.

Coyona Tercero 03/02/2012 00:12:33It should be OK now: I placed the Text boxes
It's ready my translation thanks