Look to me that Cooler is going to blast Freza's space Ship in order to kill him.
Traduire HyperSonic_1985 12/04/2017 15:07:27why even that part with the breeder/ is it 2 create more sympathy points for coola?
Traduire venuu 12/04/2017 19:21:24is coola sterile or something? and r you going with DBM thing that they r a sexual or there r man and woman with them?
Traduire venuu 13/04/2017 22:02:56@Venuu, Cooler will never have a son (Or unlikely to) Meaning there won't be a Hier to the kingdom. Freza is the Hier because someday he could keep the linage going.
Traduire ebilly 12/04/2017 19:41:00I'm guessing freeza doesn't know shit about cooler's extra form.
Traduire Lord Mega 07/01/2018 20:07:18This makes more sense than what happens in DBM where he just offs Freeza out of nowhere. Still, I think a panel of them explaining why they are there in the first place needs to be somewhere. Maybe he was recruiting Saiyans for his army and then changed his mind after witnessing what happened with Planet Vegeta?
Traduire RegiFist 30/05/2019 07:46:07¿Cómo que 20 de sus sistemas? ¿20 planetas o 20 agrupaciones de planetas?
Con el escuadrón de Sauzer basta y sobra, son los individuos más poderosos de todo el imperio sin contar a los propios demonios del frío.
No te preocupes Cooler, si no puedes engendrar, puedes adoptar, de echo hay un bebe loco por ahí cerca, creo que se llama Broly.
Auteur : Chewys
Équipe : This....IS MY BOOMSTICK, Demerzel, Gregoreo, bnkjk, JustWatchingManga
Traduction par : JustWatchingManga
Version originale: Español
Rythme de publication: Mardi, Samedi
Type : manga
Genre : Action
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