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Chewys 31

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Chewys 13/01/2024 02:34:14   
Ouroboros 28

man i forgot my man Tien was in trouble

Ouroboros 13/01/2024 18:07:14   
Rahvu 7

Tien is holding on much better than expected from where the fight was left off.. Still have to wonder how he will make it though.

Rahvu 14/01/2024 23:52:26   
Ouroboros 28

There still androids arround, Marc and if else fails Yairobi or Mr Briefs in a power suite

Ouroboros 15/01/2024 00:13:37   
Rahvu 7

Tao-13 is out of commision and Ch1-Ch1 isn't strong enough maybe android number 15, but there seemed to be some problems there aswell, the power suit would have to be atleast 20 times stronger then the one Bulma had since Nappa at 4000 survived the blast and even though i always Hail Satan, he isn't nearly strong enough to do anything here..

Rahvu 16/01/2024 14:50:11   
Yellaninja 2

Let’s be honest probably neither of those things will happen.
Tien still has not use the multi form technique even if it lowers
his power he can still use that + solar flare to blind them and
finish it with a Tri Beam from each one. Krillin destructo disk
would be really helpful in this scenario to permanently put
them down. Tien was able to learn the Kamehameha just at a
glance from watching the kamesennin school at the Budokai.
Would it be far fetched for him to have learned krillin main
technique destructo disk is the real question.

Yellaninja 17/01/2024 13:00:28   
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DBM U3 & U9: Una Tierra sin Goku

DBM U3 & U9: Una Tierra sin Goku: couverture




Auteur :

Équipe : , , , ,

Traduction par : This....IS MY BOOMSTICK

Version originale: Español

Rythme de publication: Mardi, Samedi

Type : manga

Genre : Action


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