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4 commentaires
Chewys 31

3rd panel namekian is from Tablos´s "Dragon Ball AF Origins". Amazing art


4th panel namekian is from Rogeru´s special for "Multiverse alternative".


Go show your love to those amazing artists.

Chewys 16/12/2023 13:39:11   
Rahvu 7

That's a major chesthole right there

Rahvu 19/12/2023 14:30:41   
Zeromus 3

You can say that Vegeta's response has blow him away.

Zeromus 19/12/2023 18:15:06   
Yellaninja 2

Another great page
I think it’s so cool to have Lord Slug with Namek Saga
Since in hindsight Lord Slug was released in early 1991
when the manga was in the middle of the ginyu force saga
on planet Namek. I always took lord slug movie as a what if
frieza never came to planet Namek and the journey collecting
the balls with Gohan krillin and Bulma wasn’t met with resistance.
Piccolo training ended early and he was wished back to life along
with kami thus Shenron ended up reviving all the dead heroes.
This is Haarp’s chance to escape the perfect distraction
But if Vegeta power lv really is same as it was when he fought Jeice
what’s really stopping him from beating Slug before he gets
his wish ? Slug in his old form is most likely under 100K
This arc has been so great so far I wish we could get this in color
on YouTube with sound effects. It would amass so much more viewership.

Yellaninja 20/12/2023 00:43:33   
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DBM U3 & U9: Una Tierra sin Goku

DBM U3 & U9: Una Tierra sin Goku: couverture




Auteur :

Équipe : , , , ,

Traduction par : This....IS MY BOOMSTICK

Version originale: Español

Rythme de publication: Mardi, Samedi

Type : manga

Genre : Action


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