Auteur : Ruleslemanga, darkwisard, Ayumi
Équipe : abby19, tze, misstark, Namkaze, NaNa Sakaru, fikiri, Koragg
Traduction par : abby19
Version originale: Français
Rythme de publication: chaque jour
Type : manga
Genre : Action
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crazy guys! lol
babee 26/11/2011 12:55:34babee a dit:crazy guys! lol
Mart 01/12/2011 20:17:07The first panel is really good!
Mart a dit:babee a dit:crazy guys! lol
Ruleslemanga 02/12/2011 18:57:01The first panel is really good!
Thanks a lot to appreciate Mart !
Lol ^^ Yeah, really crazy !
But it's just the beginning ! 
Ruleslemanga 01/12/2011 19:55:24Ruleslemanga a dit:Lol ^^ Yeah, really crazy !
But it's just the beginning !
I´m here to see the continuacion... 
babee 02/12/2011 02:03:15Auteur
babee a dit:Ruleslemanga a dit:Lol ^^ Yeah, really crazy !
But it's just the beginning !
I´m here to see the continuacion...
Thanks a lot babee ! ^^
Ruleslemanga 02/12/2011 18:56:32Alright !
Well... were´s the rest of manga???
I wont more pages to read...
babee 11/12/2011 02:36:07Auteur
babee a dit:Well... were´s the rest of manga???
I wont more pages to read...
Ruleslemanga 11/12/2011 15:49:40Sorry for the late ^^' Next pages will be published this week, if everythings alright !
Ruleslemanga a dit:babee a dit:Well... were´s the rest of manga???
I wont more pages to read...
babee 12/12/2011 02:11:03Sorry for the late ^^' Next pages will be published this week, if everythings alright !