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15 commentaires
TroyB 41

Bon ben... vivement la suite .

TroyB 01/04/2012 20:01:10   
ivy-mitsuno 7

well that's that (:
like I said before good story :3

ivy-mitsuno 01/04/2012 23:39:45   
death_cookie 4

It looks like it going to be continued (I hope, because I don't understad what else "to be continued" could mean )

death_cookie 02/04/2012 08:26:41   
KenB 7

This looks to be a good new series. I cannot wait to see how it develops.

KenB 04/04/2012 17:44:55   
death_cookie 4

KenB a dit:This looks to be a good new series. I cannot wait to see how it develops.
yes beutiful paintings and charcters

death_cookie 04/04/2012 20:33:19   
Black butler 1

yeah both of you are right can't wait :b

Black butler 08/10/2013 18:30:24   
preyfinder 1

Can't wait for more pages =] great story and art work

preyfinder 05/04/2012 04:48:09   
KenB 7

While I would like to read more, patience is key to reading a great story. Here's hoping for chapter 2 soon.

KenB 13/04/2012 07:25:40   
death_cookie 4

KenB a dit:While I would like to read more, patience is key to reading a great story. Here's hoping for chapter 2 soon.
I agree , but still I want it faster

death_cookie 15/05/2012 07:29:44   
Heilios 1


Heilios 15/05/2012 03:06:15   
mangamany 1

awsome manga!!! keep up the great work!!!

mangamany 14/06/2012 18:47:37   
mangamany 1

ummm so when does it get updated??

or how often?

mangamany 17/06/2012 05:45:36   
Ellydir 1

Is breá liom é! Ceann de na Manga is fearr mé a léamh, agus nach bhfuil sé fiú go gairmiúil foilsithe. Sin go hiontach.

Ellydir 19/10/2012 02:32:19   
WingedGuardian 1

Favorite story I've read on here!

WingedGuardian 12/12/2013 15:52:00   
Phenix Iulian 1

A beautifull manga.
An original story, and also a good story.
Please update as soon as posible because it's a good manga and would be a waste to be forgoten.

Phenix Iulian 21/02/2014 02:37:06   

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Eternal Linker 永久の連動者

Eternal Linker 永久の連動者: couverture




Auteur :

Équipe :

Traduction par : tze

Version originale: 日本語

Rythme de publication: Lundi, Jeudi, Dimanche

Type : manga

Genre : Action

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