I'm amazed about the accuracy on the story, specially on the cultural terms. I live in Portugal, 50km away from Andaluzia and I'm aware of it's traditions and culture. You're going in the right direction, congrats!
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i really like your drawing style ^^
Drawly 22/11/2011 11:14:17Auteur
thank you for saying so!
moriyama 23/11/2011 12:25:14Yep, I´m agree.. Your art is just EXCELENT!!
johandark 22/11/2011 12:34:10Auteur
Very happy!Thank you also translate.
moriyama 23/11/2011 12:28:27I'm amazed about the accuracy on the story, specially on the cultural terms. I live in Portugal, 50km away from Andaluzia and I'm aware of it's traditions and culture. You're going in the right direction, congrats!
IDias 28/03/2012 12:44:19