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DragonSlayer67 1

The last 2 pages including this one are in French

DragonSlayer67 06/11/2024 18:49:24   
Momin 1

The phrase "Bon diable man est mort, sa tête a fait splash" seems to be a blend of French and Caribbean expressions, but it doesn't have a widely known or direct translation. The context you’re referring to may be from a specific cultural reference, such as a joke, a song, or a story, possibly Caribbean in origin.

- "Bon diable" translates to "Good devil" in French, which could be a playful or ironic expression.
- "Man est mort" means "The man is dead."
- "Sa tête a fait splash" means "His head made a splash," possibly implying that the death was dramatic or caused a stir.

Momin 17/12/2024 07:03:33   
bnkjk 4

"Diable man" is the name of Akkuman in french, translating roughly to "Devilman". The comment you're talking about translates to "Well, akkuman died. His head made a splash". The "splash" in question is just the fact that his head got crushed in a splash of blood. Afaik, it's just french, nothink from the caribbean there.

bnkjk 27/12/2024 22:35:51   
Momin 1

The phrase "Bon diable man est mort, sa tête a fait splash" seems to be a blend of French and Caribbean expressions, but it doesn't have a widely known or direct translation. The context you’re referring to may be from a specific cultural reference, such as a joke, a song, or a story, possibly Caribbean in origin.

Momin 17/12/2024 07:04:47   
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DBM U3 & U9: Una Tierra sin Goku

DBM U3 & U9: Una Tierra sin Goku: couverture




Auteur :

Équipe : , , , ,

Traduction par : bnkjk

Version originale: Español

Rythme de publication: Mardi, Samedi

Type : manga

Genre : Action


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