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2 commentaires
TroyB 41

Nice to see you're updating your comic. But compared to the beginning that was full color with details... you're going on the minimalist way.
Good luck for the coming pages .

TroyB 13/03/2012 13:31:07   
Eviana 1

TroyB a dit:Nice to see you're updating your comic. But compared to the beginning that was full color with details... you're going on the minimalist way.
Good luck for the coming pages .

Full color pages will be available soon on our home page: elengir.com There's actually a couple more up there now if you want to go check it out! We were just working out some logistics issues, and in the interest of having pages up decided to update with b&w in the meantime. Thanks for the comment and the good wishes!!!

Eviana 14/03/2012 00:54:10   
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