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3 commentaires
fikiri 16

This page is just splendid
Look at all the details in the first panel!

fikiri 24/11/2011 09:06:32   
Mart 17

fikiri a dit:This page is just splendid
Look at all the details in the first panel!

Yeah, I love artists who pay that much attention to details, great work.

Mart 24/11/2011 12:21:21   
Eviana 1

Thank you!
We'll be sure to keep up with the details
Mart a dit:fikiri a dit:This page is just splendid
Look at all the details in the first panel!

Yeah, I love artists who pay that much attention to details, great work.

Eviana 25/11/2011 18:42:33   
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