ahaha some kind of epic breed of Hoenheim and epicbeard-i-mean-whitebeard
TrexTitan20/02/2011 22:49:40
TrexTitan a dit:ahaha some kind of epic breed of Hoenheim and epicbeard-i-mean-whitebeard
Could have been Hoenheim, but honestly we forgot about him in the parody .
That's true that Hoenheim is one of the most Epic "cool powerfull old guy" in the mangas .
TroyB21/02/2011 08:28:01
id say thats Furinji Hayato The Invincible Superman with white beard's mustache
Top3MangaLover21/02/2011 05:24:36
Top3MangaLover a dit:id say thats Furinji Hayato The Invincible Superman with white beard's mustache
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ahaha some kind of epic breed of Hoenheim and epicbeard-i-mean-whitebeard
TrexTitan 20/02/2011 22:49:40TrexTitan a dit:ahaha some kind of epic breed of Hoenheim and epicbeard-i-mean-whitebeard

TroyB 21/02/2011 08:28:01Could have been Hoenheim, but honestly we forgot about him in the parody
That's true that Hoenheim is one of the most Epic "cool powerfull old guy" in the mangas
id say thats Furinji Hayato The Invincible Superman with white beard's mustache
Top3MangaLover 21/02/2011 05:24:36Top3MangaLover a dit:id say thats Furinji Hayato The Invincible Superman with white beard's mustache
TroyB 21/02/2011 08:26:51Héhé yes that's him, you've got the right mix