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4045 vues
3 commentaires
DrugOn 11

Wow, nice twist. Looks like the romance thread became boring for you, and you started another chapter with some horror Even if that were so, I'd don't mind it

DrugOn 09/01/2012 19:22:19   
Adou Fisch 18

Ahah Well all the story before is just kind of an introduction. The whole story was meant to come to this point, I didn't change anything ^^. But don't worry, it'll still be romance and won't switch to horror all of a sudden I stil have to translate the rest.

Adou Fisch 09/01/2012 22:33:44   
DrugOn 11

Adou Fisch a dit:Ahah Well all the story before is just kind of an introduction. The whole story was meant to come to this point, I didn't change anything ^^. But don't worry, it'll still be romance and won't switch to horror all of a sudden I stil have to translate the rest. But the "horror part" is, for now, well done, so maybe you'd prove yourself in a horror comic? Think about it I'm waiting for your translation - I really missed your bishonen

DrugOn 09/01/2012 22:58:34   
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Cupidon Boy

Cupidon Boy: couverture




Auteur :

Traduction par : Adou Fisch

Version originale: Français

Type : manga

Genre : Romance


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