Auteur : Fernando_Biz
Équipe : tai, Coyona Tercero, ark, Marina, SakuraBC
Traduction par : TroyB
Version originale: Español
Rythme de publication: Lundi, Mercredi, Vendredi
Type : manga
Genre : Humour
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First page translated from spanish to french, and french to spanish :-D!
TroyB 22/12/2011 15:55:47Auteur
TroyB a dit:First page translated from spanish to french, and french to spanish :-D!
Fernando_Biz 22/12/2011 23:56:03My more sincere congratulaciones!, se me fue el ingles al carajo...
Cosmicos 28/12/2011 17:14:25fock you
jhoyce 11/05/2013 21:09:56u2
Cosmicos 12/05/2013 07:41:00Auteur
tanqui mai fren!
Fernando_Biz 28/12/2011 23:00:34