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6 commentaires
TroyB 41

I've translated the first 4 pages of this spanish comic... that's really a cool start . Please help me continue the translation if you can .

TroyB 22/12/2011 17:53:24   
Velkyn 1

"We have just meet" should be "We have just met"
"You are the first boy who have seen me naked.." should be "You are the first boy who has seen me naked.."
"My name's Leika Goldsmith of the Saberage wich is yours?" should be "My name's Leika Goldsmith of the Saberage, what's yours?"

Velkyn 18/05/2012 02:44:17   
Guildadventure 31

Velkyn a dit:"We have just meet" should be "We have just met" "You are the first boy who have seen me naked.." should be "You are the first boy who has seen me naked.." "My name's Leika Goldsmith of the Saberage wich is yours?" should be "My name's Leika Goldsmith of the Saberage, what's yours?" must be a thousand like that in the comic, i do what i can with my english knowledge XD

Guildadventure 18/05/2012 03:28:50   
Velkyn 1

must be a thousand like that in the comic, i do what i can with my english knowledge XD

No worries, I understand the difficulties of translating. I just thought I would point it out for a better reading experience for others. I really like the manga, keep up the good work

Velkyn 06/07/2012 04:21:25   
SendoKamekaze 1

I like this comic keep it up

SendoKamekaze 28/04/2013 05:16:03   
Guildadventure 31

thx, i will

that avatar is Ahri?

Guildadventure 28/04/2013 11:37:00   

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