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11227 vues
4 commentaires
babee 15

You have a good work!! Nice colour´s in first pages and nice cartoons!!! I like it! nice

babee 12/01/2012 18:09:48   
Guildadventure 31

babee a dit:You have a good work!! Nice colour´s in first pages and nice cartoons!!! I like it! nice

Thanks, we try to color everything we could but we have to attened ur real life jobs too XD

Guildadventure 12/01/2012 19:59:14   
babee 15

Guildadventure a dit:babee a dit:You have a good work!! Nice colour´s in first pages and nice cartoons!!! I like it! nice Oh yeah! I understand you very well! in my comic the last pages don´t have color too, because the time! it´s a shame we don´t have more time to drawing and painting!

Thanks, we try to color everything we could but we have to attened ur real life jobs too

babee 12/01/2012 23:25:13   
babee 15

Guildadventure a dit:babee a dit:You have a good work!! Nice colour´s in first pages and nice cartoons!!! I like it! nice

Thanks, we try to color everything we could but we have to attened ur real life jobs too ::
Oh yeah! I understand you very well! in my comic the last pages don´t have color too, because the time! it´s a shame we don´t have more time to drawing and painting!

babee 12/01/2012 23:25:41   

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