This made me remember that this comic is based on a video game. Video game's storytelling form is usually weak, but should be graded differently than, say, graphic fiction, yeah?
Hrevelax14/10/2012 11:39:41
31 Auteur
Hrevelax a dit:This made me remember that this comic is based on a video game. Video game's storytelling form is usually weak, but should be graded differently than, say, graphic fiction, yeah? mm well i don't agree on that, the best storys i have ever seen were in videogames so i don't think videogames storytelling is weak, i think videogames are better suited for telling storys than many media.
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This made me remember that this comic is based on a video game. Video game's storytelling form is usually weak, but should be graded differently than, say, graphic fiction, yeah?
Hrevelax 14/10/2012 11:39:41Auteur
Hrevelax a dit:This made me remember that this comic is based on a video game. Video game's storytelling form is usually weak, but should be graded differently than, say, graphic fiction, yeah? mm well i don't agree on that, the best storys i have ever seen were in videogames so i don't think videogames storytelling is weak, i think videogames are better suited for telling storys than many media.
Guildadventure 15/10/2012 00:21:39