yay!! new page
but Jaume monster?? :P he is such a sweet guy :P
Rosa Sekouri07/02/2012 21:07:42
34 Auteur
Rosa Sekouri a dit:yay!! new page
but Jaume monster?? he is such a sweet guy
I´m not sure about that... xDD
johandark07/02/2012 23:52:24
8 Équipe
Oi, Johan!
I uploaded a better translation,vote for it! :3
I will try and translate all the pages you upload from now on!
Smiley07/02/2012 21:10:12
34 Auteur
Smiley a dit:Oi, Johan!
I uploaded a better translation,vote for it! :3
I will try and translate all the pages you upload from now on!
I didnt´see too much differences here... but it´s ok... it will be always better than mine... Thanks Smiley!
johandark07/02/2012 23:54:07
8 Équipe
johandark a dit:
I didnt´see too much differences here... but it´s ok... it will be always better than mine... Thanks Smiley!
It's the least i can do .
I'm a crazy Arkham Fan.
No lies.
Smiley08/02/2012 20:36:08
34 Auteur
Smiley a dit:johandark a dit:
I didnt´see too much differences here... but it´s ok... it will be always better than mine... Thanks Smiley!
It's the least i can do .
I'm a crazy Arkham Fan.
No lies.
jaja that´s really nice to see. ^^
I always thinking that my comic needs more action for to be more popular... But it´s complicated to do action in a mistery comic... xD
by the way I hope you like then in March When I publish 20 pages every month . Yesterday I finished to draw all the 7th chapter.. I´m starting with the 8th ^^
Tu peux traduire cette BD via notre interface en ligne. Traduire aidera l'auteur à se faire connaitre, et exprimera ta gratitude et ton intérêt. Les traducteurs sérieux seront récompensés avec des Golds.
yay!! new page
Rosa Sekouri 07/02/2012 21:07:42but Jaume monster?? :P he is such a sweet guy :P
Rosa Sekouri a dit:yay!! new page
he is such a sweet guy
johandark 07/02/2012 23:52:24but Jaume monster??
I´m not sure about that... xDD
Oi, Johan!
Smiley 07/02/2012 21:10:12I uploaded a better translation,vote for it! :3
I will try and translate all the pages you upload from now on!
Smiley a dit:Oi, Johan!

johandark 07/02/2012 23:54:07I uploaded a better translation,vote for it! :3
I will try and translate all the pages you upload from now on!
I didnt´see too much differences here... but it´s ok... it will be always better than mine... Thanks Smiley!
johandark a dit:
Smiley 08/02/2012 20:36:08I didnt´see too much differences here... but it´s ok... it will be always better than mine... Thanks Smiley!
It's the least i can do
I'm a crazy Arkham Fan.
No lies.
Smiley a dit:johandark a dit:
. Yesterday I finished to draw all the 7th chapter.. I´m starting with the 8th ^^
johandark 08/02/2012 20:39:07I didnt´see too much differences here... but it´s ok... it will be always better than mine... Thanks Smiley!
It's the least i can do
I'm a crazy Arkham Fan.
No lies.
jaja that´s really nice to see. ^^
I always thinking that my comic needs more action for to be more popular... But it´s complicated to do action in a mistery comic... xD
by the way I hope you like then in March When I publish 20 pages every month
20 pages per month yay
Rosa Sekouri 08/02/2012 22:14:08Auteur
Rosa Sekouri a dit:20 pages per month yay
johandark 08/02/2012 23:35:10yeah ^^