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5 commentaires
johandark 34

thanks Sunpath!

johandark 04/01/2012 11:24:21   
sunpath 5

Hmmm... i have a little weird feeling about this car. every time they are in a wide shot the car is spacious but in the close ups the car gets some how cramped.

sunpath 04/01/2012 23:07:52   
johandark 34

sunpath a dit:Hmmm... i have a little weird feeling about this car. every time they are in a wide shot the car is spacious but in the close ups the car gets some how cramped.

BULG: jajaja че е така, защото във вътрешността на колата ли да използвам супер Fisheye обектив. xDD


вероятно твърде много преувеличени ... Да ... jajaja

ENG:jajaja that´s because in the inside of a car I use a super Fisheye lens. xDD


probably a little too much exzagerated... Yep... jajaja

johandark 05/01/2012 09:10:53   
sunpath 5

fisheye lens will bend the lines of the horizon in circle shape in such small space.
it is not big deal i am just pointing out something which you may consider next time or may not. you are the artist i am just a fan

sunpath 06/01/2012 08:38:59   
johandark 34

sunpath a dit:fisheye lens will bend the lines of the horizon in circle shape in such small space.
it is not big deal i am just pointing out something which you may consider next time or may not. you are the artist i am just a fan

jajaja I did at that way because it was the only way of both characters could fit fine in the square of the vignette... But probably it´s a little exagerated... yeah... xD thanks for your comments and translations!

johandark 06/01/2012 08:52:13   
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ARKHAM roots

ARKHAM roots: couverture




Auteur :

Équipe : , , , , , , , , , , ,

Traduction par : sunpath

Version originale: Español

Rythme de publication: Lundi, Mercredi, Vendredi

Type : manga

Genre : Fantasy - SF


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