Auteur : Gogéta Jr, Salagir, TroyB
Équipe : fikiri, Tomoko, Adamantine, Drawly, Robot Panda
Version originale: Français
Rythme de publication: Dimanche
Type : manga
Genre : Action
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so it begins!
ceco1 02/02/2011 11:37:52cool
Awesome cover - love the facial expressions - the guy in the back scares me. xD
Bliss 03/02/2011 20:17:27Auteur
Bliss a dit:Awesome cover - love the facial expressions - the guy in the back scares me. xD
TroyB 04/02/2011 08:14:20Glad you like it
The guy behind... is coming soon
I like how more of her clothes burn off with each chapter
DanB 07/03/2011 12:15:53AMILOVA I LOOOOOVE YOUUUUU lol !!!!
Sukodu 18/03/2011 19:36:04I'm in love with AMilova, she's my perfect girlfriend !!!
The guy in the back was shaded great ( and everyone else ofcourse ).
Mart 04/11/2011 10:56:35how much of her shirt is going to burn.:question:
William Carrasco 06/12/2011 03:44:41Auteur
William Carrasco a dit:how much of her shirt is going to burn.:at:
TroyB 06/12/2011 07:57:45Ahahaaha good question
Another question : if Premium members could see a shorter skirt, would there be more premium members
TroyB a dit:William Carrasco a dit:how much of her shirt is going to burn.undefined

Mart 06/12/2011 09:02:48Ahahaaha good question
Another question : if Premium members could see a shorter skirt, would there be more premium members
Or I can draw her myself with no shirt...
Mart a dit:TroyB a dit:William Carrasco a dit:how much of her shirt is going to burn.undefined

McLeod 06/12/2011 09:37:37Ahahaaha good question
Another question : if Premium members could see a shorter skirt, would there be more premium members
Or I can draw her myself with no shirt...
mwahahaha I want to see that
I loved this cover (but it could be better if it was painted)
lig47 11/10/2012 02:43:45Auteur
lig47 a dit:I loved this cover (but it could be better if it was painted)
TroyB 11/10/2012 11:34:50True it should not be like this, it should be in color like that
Colors by Robot Panda, we used this illustration for the cover of the Book 2
awesome sauce
kanameslover 07/12/2012 06:54:31wow awesome manga love it XD
Arminas X Steponkus 30/06/2013 11:27:56holely that was amazing oh and how much of her shirt gets brun
little man 26/03/2015 12:25:49