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11 commentaires
Bliss 1

Gah comments hating me again. I can only post once a day it seems. Poor camera guy, he was only trying to do his job. Anyways I really loved the last part where Irina is complaining that while her purse was taken, they rather accuse her of being a suspect of some sort. It makes me snicker since it reminds me of a movie called Beverly Hills Cop where a guy gets thrown out of a window and the cops arrest him instead of the other guys. This comic makes me love it more and more each day. ;D So fun!

Bliss 05/02/2011 05:45:50   
Salagir 32

Bliss a dit:Gah comments hating me again. I can only post once a day it seems.
There's no reason. There is a limit, but it's rather a matter of minutes.
Glad you like the comic !

Salagir 05/02/2011 23:21:27   
SexySuhi 2

Yaaaay I love the english version, sounds as cool as the french one !

SexySuhi 07/02/2011 10:42:59   
diogo 2

SexySuhi a dit:Yaaaay I love the english version, sounds as cool as the french one !

Glad you like also the english version! Anyway, when somebody finds any mistake, just let us know so we can correct it!

diogo 07/02/2011 10:46:45   
DanB 2

The producer's gonna kill me!
A camera and the coverage! I'm finished!

(the guy's name?), you clumsy idiot! We'll have to completely re-shoot!
Hey, you! Don't move. You owe me an explanation.
Wha-my bag! Someone stole my bag! It's worth---


This is the police. Playtime is over, hippies! Nobody move.

No-one's leaving this place before they pass through ID-control. So all of you, line up against the wall. You, you're reporters? Let's see some ID.

ID? My bag's just been stolen! Anyway, I'm on TV every day, don't you recognize me? I'm RINA VANILKOVÁ! THE ČTi!

Oh man, oh man! This is a god damned NIGHTMARE!

DanB 11/03/2011 18:06:33   
diogo 2

DanB a dit:The producer's gonna kill me!
A camera and the coverage! I'm finished!

(the guy's name?), you clumsy idiot! We'll have to completely re-shoot!
Hey, you! Don't move. You owe me an explanation.
Wha-my bag! Someone stole my bag! It's worth---


This is the police. Playtime is over, hippies! Nobody move.

No-one's leaving this place before they pass through ID-control. So all of you, line up against the wall. You, you're reporters? Let's see some ID.

ID? My bag's just been stolen! Anyway, I'm on TV every day, don't you recognize me? I'm RINA VANILKOVÁ! THE ČTi!

Oh man, oh man! This is a god damned NIGHTMARE!

diogo 16/03/2011 09:35:18   
EmeraldWarrior 2

Uh...where's page 45????

EmeraldWarrior 25/03/2011 20:11:41   
TroyB 41

EmeraldWarrior a dit:Uh...where's page 45????

hhhmmm you're right :-(
Damn stupid mystic bug... can you all please wait till monday ? Please, I'll fix it monday, promess .

TroyB 25/03/2011 20:44:31   

TroyB a dit:EmeraldWarrior a dit:Uh...where's page 45????

hhhmmm you're right :-(
Damn stupid mystic bug... can you all please wait till monday ? Please, I'll fix it monday, promess .

It's "Promise" Troy. I think your French origins have a bigger influence on you (which is natural of course and which is the opposite of my person (my English has a bigger influence on my Arabic origins)) It's understandable for me who is aiming to be an English teacher.

MALEM 25/03/2011 21:20:23   
DanB 2

Tried to make some changes to the translation. Did it work?

DanB 10/09/2011 14:33:39   
TroyB 41

DanB a dit:Tried to make some changes to the translation. Did it work?

Mmmhhh I'll check properly tomorrow morning with Salagir .
Thanks for testing the inteface DanB .

TroyB 11/09/2011 11:32:03   
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Amilova: couverture




Auteur : , ,

Équipe : , , , ,

Traduction par : tze

Version originale: Français

Rythme de publication: Dimanche

Type : manga

Genre : Action


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