Three seconds in the crosshairs. you know what does it mean, duntcha?
Well, i remember the readers who know spanish that my other comic, Huntersmoon is ready and waiting for you. (and even if you dont, you can still check the drawings) XDDD
Besides that... How about a fic/arts contest? its been a while since the last one... Any idea to make it special and diferent?
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Darius 20/06/2012 11:43:11Three seconds in the crosshairs. you know what does it mean, duntcha?
Well, i remember the readers who know spanish that my other comic, Huntersmoon is ready and waiting for you. (and even if you dont, you can still check the drawings) XDDD
Besides that... How about a fic/arts contest? its been a while since the last one... Any idea to make it special and diferent?