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5 commentaires
Darius 22

Abortion Skrat-style. 100% effective XDDD

Darius 26/05/2012 09:13:38   
kirma 3

i wounder what there saying

kirma 21/09/2012 20:37:25   
Darius 22

kirma a dit:i wounder what there saying
Few people across the world know it, but it has a meaning.

Darius 22/09/2012 02:22:12   
McLeod 15

Darius a dit:kirma a dit:i wounder what there saying
Few people across the world know it, but it has a meaning.

Few like... how many appart from you and your friends ?

McLeod 24/09/2012 18:14:25   
Darius 22

McLeod a dit:Darius a dit:kirma a dit:i wounder what there saying
Few people across the world know it, but it has a meaning.

Few like... how many appart from you and your friends ?

None of my friends, but like... those three who won the previous fanart and fanfic contest.

Darius 25/09/2012 04:45:18   

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Version originale: English

Type : manga

Genre : Fantasy - SF


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