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4674 vues
5 commentaires
sunpath 5

I LOVE IT! IT IS GREAT! I HAD SO MUCH FUN! When i get some time i'll translate it

sunpath 11/01/2012 09:10:56   
Darius 22

sunpath a dit: I LOVE IT! IT IS GREAT! I HAD SO MUCH FUN! When i get some time i'll translate it

Im glad. If you want, you can continue reading it here:

Darius 11/01/2012 11:50:34   
sunpath 5

I read all the strips and really enjoyed it. If you upload pages for translation i promise to translated it to Bulgarian. it is not a big help or something but this is what i can do for now.

sunpath 12/01/2012 08:09:55   
Darius 22

Well, you have uploaded till page 100 without texts, so, if you really want to, go on. ^-^

Darius 12/01/2012 13:33:32   
Darius 22

sunpath a dit:I read all the strips and really enjoyed it. If you upload pages for translation i promise to translated it to Bulgarian. it is not a big help or something but this is what i can do for now.
Just to know. Is that translation going on? XDD

Darius 26/05/2012 12:31:44   

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Version originale: English

Type : manga

Genre : Fantasy - SF


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