Rock 'n' Roll Jungle
par phoentra20, Blackheart
Rock 'n' Roll Jungle, course effrénée au survivalisme, au courage et à l'auto-dégénération, est sans conteste l'émission de télévision la plus populaire de l'histoire. Et pour cause !...
Pages: 263
Mise à jour: 3mars
I hope one day you will translate in english it looks so cool !
EpicMan 27/01/2012 12:13:42Auteur
EpicMan a dit:I hope one day you will translate in english it looks so cool ! It's translated! until I start to upload here the pages with blank text globes, you can read the webcomic in english right here, translated by me. While I can't paste here the link (lol) you just have to type "smackjeeves ninth circle" in google, I suppose that will be enough
Blacksanz 08/02/2012 00:45:29esta genial este comic sigue asi
tico 28/01/2012 21:33:13