It´s a shame the work don´t have colour every time, I know is too long put the colour... take so much time...... but it´s good in the same!!
babee22/01/2012 21:05:40
2 Auteur
babee a dit:It´s a shame the work don´t have colour every time, I know is too long put the colour... take so much time...... but it´s good in the same!! yeah... but Thanks
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It´s a shame the work don´t have colour every time, I know is too long put the colour... take so much time...
... but it´s good in the same!! 
babee 22/01/2012 21:05:40Auteur
babee a dit:It´s a shame the work don´t have colour every time, I know is too long put the colour... take so much time...
... but it´s good in the same!!
yeah... but Thanks 
Angy89 23/01/2012 05:35:20