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15 commentaires
Rosa Sekouri 2

Realy waiting for the rest of it
very good job both in sketching aspect and story ...
What happened in Guernica?????

Rosa Sekouri 01/02/2012 00:26:15   
johandark 34

Rosa Sekouri a dit:Realy waiting for the rest of it
very good job both in sketching aspect and story ...
What happened in Guernica?????

thanks for your comment beauty ^^ Nice eyes!

What happened in Guernica at 1937.

johandark 01/02/2012 00:30:54   
Rosa Sekouri 2

I know what happened on 1937... I want to know what happened to that baby!!!
johandark a dit:Rosa Sekouri a dit:Realy waiting for the rest of it
very good job both in sketching aspect and story ...
What happened in Guernica?????

thanks for your comment beauty ^^ Nice eyes!

What happened in Guernica at 1937.
Links are allowed in comments only for Team Members!

Rosa Sekouri 20/02/2012 17:39:52   
johandark 34

Rosa Sekouri a dit:I know what happened on 1937... I want to know what happened to that baby!!!
johandark a dit:Rosa Sekouri a dit:Realy waiting for the rest of it
very good job both in sketching aspect and story ...
What happened in Guernica?????

thanks for your comment beauty ^^ Nice eyes!

What happened in Guernica at 1937.
Links are allowed in comments only for Team Members!

You will discover this in chapter 8!

johandark 20/02/2012 17:59:45   
death_cookie 4

it's a very intresting story and akyuma is realy stupid if she doesn't understand the true nature of her misions

death_cookie 18/02/2012 17:13:32   
johandark 34

death_cookie a dit:it's a very intresting story and akyuma is realy stupid if she doesn't understand the true nature of her misions

Well she had been trained to be a great Soldier... and trained to kill people... But she does not expect this kind of things... jeje This new chapter we will see a little new revelation about the Akuma nature.

johandark 18/02/2012 18:46:52   
death_cookie 4

intresting i think she's a vampire am i right?:question:

death_cookie 19/02/2012 18:46:22   
johandark 34

death_cookie a dit:intresting i think she's a vampire am i right?

jejeje probably yes... probably not... You will see it... (but take in mind his name "AKUMA")

johandark 19/02/2012 21:13:35   
death_cookie 4

I don't what AKUMA means

death_cookie 20/02/2012 14:50:29   
johandark 34

death_cookie a dit:I don't what AKUMA means

Akuma (in Japanese, "Devil" or "Demon") known in Japan as Gouki (豪鬼 Gōki lit. Great Demon?) That´s the meaning of the name "AKUMA".

johandark 20/02/2012 19:31:08   
death_cookie 4

johandark a dit:death_cookie a dit:I don't what AKUMA means

Akuma (in Japanese, "Devil" or "Demon") known in Japan as Gouki (豪鬼 Gōki lit. Great Demon?) That´s the meaning of the name "AKUMA".

cool so she's a demon that explain the sun and why she doesn't know everything jet and yea who is Jameson ? he looks like a human, but knows things that humans can't know and when he toked whith that monster in their first mission:question:

death_cookie 21/02/2012 11:35:50   
rocker305 1

this is reallllly good!

rocker305 10/07/2012 16:22:15   
johandark 34

rocker305 a dit:this is reallllly good!

Thank you!

johandark 10/07/2012 17:07:04   
evajung 2

Chapter 7 is now fully updated in English!

evajung 21/11/2012 05:38:30   
johandark 34


johandark 21/11/2012 10:36:06   
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ARKHAM roots

ARKHAM roots: couverture




Auteur :

Équipe : , , , , , , , , , , ,

Traduction par : evajung

Version originale: Español

Rythme de publication: Lundi, Mercredi, Vendredi

Type : manga

Genre : Fantasy - SF


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