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16 commentaires
johandark 34

I guess everybody knows what is this paint... xD

johandark 19/03/2012 20:05:51   
Smiley 8

johandark a dit:I guess everybody knows what is this paint... xD
Is it about the 1939 guernica bombing?

Smiley 19/03/2012 20:07:27   
johandark 34

Smiley a dit:johandark a dit:I guess everybody knows what is this paint... xD
Is it about the 1939 guernica bombing?

It is... But... What the hell means this painting? Humm.. that´s a more complicated question I think jejeje

johandark 19/03/2012 20:09:43   
Smiley 8

johandark a dit:Smiley a dit:johandark a dit:I guess everybody knows what is this paint... xD
Is it about the 1939 guernica bombing?

It is... But... What the hell means this painting? Humm.. that´s a more complicated question I think jejeje

Teach me master! :3

Smiley 19/03/2012 20:10:31   
johandark 34

Smiley a dit:johandark a dit:Smiley a dit:johandark a dit:I guess everybody knows what is this paint... xD
Is it about the 1939 guernica bombing?

It is... But... What the hell means this painting? Humm.. that´s a more complicated question I think jejeje

Teach me master! :3

No no... I can´t answer.. jejeje By the way... You did not answered my question that once I asked...

Wich is your favourite chapter.. and wich one do you think is the broest one?

and another question:
What do you think about this 7th chapter?

johandark 19/03/2012 20:15:02   
Smiley 8

johandark a dit:

No no... I can´t answer.. jejeje By the way... You did not answered my question that once I asked...

Wich is your favourite chapter.. and wich one do you think is the broest one?

and another question:
What do you think about this 7th chapter?

Uhm... sincerely?
I can't answer.
I love them all the same.
Ok,i can say i love that one when he goes into that old man's room (in arkham,after they get back from that mission with zombies).

The brokest one?
There is nothing like that.

About the 7th chapter..
Well,since i am translating and i am atm at chapter 9...
i can say that...GOD I CAN'T WAIT TO READ MORE!

MEssage to the readers:
The pages coming are incredibly,you will wish you would have voted ARKHAM to win the AMILOVA CONTEST :P.
The story is getting REALLY good,and interesting.

Smiley 19/03/2012 20:19:58   
johandark 34

jajaja thank you man!

I´m 12th in the COntest... ^^ but it´s not so bad... What it really matters is that the people who read me... likes what they read. ^^

I´m really happy that you loved that old máns room because one of the most difficult to do for me but one that I loved to do... But I read in some feedback that is one of the borest and more complex to understand... So it´s complicated to do something that everybody likes.. jeje

Just because you know it I´m now Drawing the 14th page of Chapter 10.

and thank for your translations!

johandark 19/03/2012 20:33:59   
Smiley 8

johandark a dit:jajaja thank you man!

I´m 12th in the COntest... ^^ but it´s not so bad... What it really matters is that the people who read me... likes what they read. ^^

I´m really happy that you loved that old máns room because one of the most difficult to do for me but one that I loved to do... But I read in some feedback that is one of the borest and more complex to understand... So it´s complicated to do something that everybody likes.. jeje

Just because you know it I´m now Drawing the 14th page of Chapter 10.

and thank for your translations!

My pleasure!
Btw ,how can i continue to translate?
I can't see past page 1 of ch 9.
Maybe we should better talk tomorrow trough messages.
(i'm going to sleep,goodnight)

Smiley 19/03/2012 20:36:11   
johandark 34

Smiley a dit:johandark a dit:jajaja thank you man!

I´m 12th in the COntest... ^^ but it´s not so bad... What it really matters is that the people who read me... likes what they read. ^^

I´m really happy that you loved that old máns room because one of the most difficult to do for me but one that I loved to do... But I read in some feedback that is one of the borest and more complex to understand... So it´s complicated to do something that everybody likes.. jeje

Just because you know it I´m now Drawing the 14th page of Chapter 10.

and thank for your translations!

My pleasure!
Btw ,how can i continue to translate?
I can't see past page 1 of ch 9.
Maybe we should better talk tomorrow trough messages.
(i'm going to sleep,goodnight)

Yeah yeah! Sorry My mistake... I´m now DRAWING the 14th of chapter 9! jajaaja

In amilova I uploaded all the 8th chapter... but not the 9th yet. ^^ I will upload the 9th at 1rst of April. (If everything is right... ^^).

I advice that the art is getting less detailed for time reasons... ^^ but I hope story does not getting less important.. more now that it has a little bit more action. ).

thanks for worry about the pages!

johandark 19/03/2012 20:52:21   
death_cookie 4

how many people are translating this comic ? (in english)
P.S. and I agre with Smiley the story is REALLY good, and interesting

death_cookie 19/03/2012 20:35:40   
Smiley 8

death_cookie a dit:how many people are translating this comic ? (in english)
P.S. and I agre with Smiley the story is REALLY good, and interesting

There are 2 or 3.

Smiley 19/03/2012 20:37:30   
johandark 34

Smiley a dit:death_cookie a dit:how many people are translating this comic ? (in english)
P.S. and I agre with Smiley the story is REALLY good, and interesting

There are 2 or 3.

in english? Wow... I didn´t know xD

thanks to you all ^^

johandark 19/03/2012 20:49:04   
johandark 34

death_cookie a dit:how many people are translating this comic ? (in english)
P.S. and I agre with Smiley the story is REALLY good, and interesting

jejeje Thanks... I get a little sad after knowing the results of the contest... being twelve and below some other ones that I thought they were not really cool.. makes me think if I´m wrong with this kind of story I´m doing...

johandark 19/03/2012 20:55:18   
Smiley 8

johandark a dit:being twelve and below some other ones that I thought they were not really cool.. makes me think if I´m wrong with this kind of story I´m doing...
No need to be sad my friend.
People's opinion must not be justified.
+what people like now-a-days is just wrong...
I mean,how can they not like Arkham?
The story and art are great.

Smiley 20/03/2012 05:56:06   
johandark 34

Smiley a dit:johandark a dit:being twelve and below some other ones that I thought they were not really cool.. makes me think if I´m wrong with this kind of story I´m doing...
No need to be sad my friend.
People's opinion must not be justified.
+what people like now-a-days is just wrong...
I mean,how can they not like Arkham?
The story and art are great.

jajaja thanks man

johandark 20/03/2012 10:48:45   
death_cookie 4

johandark a dit:death_cookie a dit:how many people are translating this comic ? (in english)
P.S. and I agre with Smiley the story is REALLY good, and interesting

jejeje Thanks... I get a little sad after knowing the results of the contest... being twelve and below some other ones that I thought they were not really cool.. makes me think if I´m wrong with this kind of story I´m doing...

I love comics who make my laf and has intresting srtory and ARKHAM is one of them so don't be sad and keep up good work

death_cookie 20/03/2012 15:07:05   
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ARKHAM roots

ARKHAM roots: couverture




Auteur :

Équipe : , , , , , , , , , , ,

Traduction par : evajung

Version originale: Español

Rythme de publication: Lundi, Mercredi, Vendredi

Type : manga

Genre : Fantasy - SF


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