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6 commentaires
Yamcha 17 36

I think you won't understand this page. It was difficult to traduce it, and I think I don't traduce correctly, because there is a misunderstanding ( quiproquo in french ), because pardon ( in french ) can be use to ask to somebody to repeat his sentence, but too to apologize.

And because I'm pitiful in English, I don't succes to traduce correctly the page ^^.

EDIT : the word " pardon " was changed by " sorry " =).

Yamcha 17 18/05/2012 17:38:39   
poulpytooly 31

Yamcha 17 a dit:I think you won't understand this page. It was difficult to traduce it, and I think I don't traduce correctly, because there is a misunderstanding ( quiproquo in french ), because pardon ( in french ) can be use to ask to somebody to repeat his sentence, but too to apologize.

And because I'm pitiful in English, I don't succes to traduce correctly the page ^^.

you can use "sorry"

poulpytooly 18/05/2012 21:11:26   
Yamcha 17 36

poulpytooly a dit:Yamcha 17 a dit:I think you won't understand this page. It was difficult to traduce it, and I think I don't traduce correctly, because there is a misunderstanding ( quiproquo in french ), because pardon ( in french ) can be use to ask to somebody to repeat his sentence, but too to apologize.

And because I'm pitiful in English, I don't succes to traduce correctly the page ^^.

you can use "sorry"

Thanks youuuu ^^

Yamcha 17 18/05/2012 21:48:40   
poulpytooly 31

Yamcha 17 a dit:poulpytooly a dit:Yamcha 17 a dit:I think you won't understand this page. It was difficult to traduce it, and I think I don't traduce correctly, because there is a misunderstanding ( quiproquo in french ), because pardon ( in french ) can be use to ask to somebody to repeat his sentence, but too to apologize.

And because I'm pitiful in English, I don't succes to traduce correctly the page ^^.

you can use "sorry"

Thanks youuuu ^^

poulpytooly 18/05/2012 22:19:18   
OteKaï 36

Désolé je parle français :p

"Sorry" veut dire "désolé" je crois ? La blague ne marcherait pas si c'était le cas.
Y'a pas un terme précis pour "pardon" ?

Ou alors peut-on le traduire comme "pardonnez-moi ?" ou "excusez-moi ?" Ca passerait mieux, non ? Genre "excuse me ?!" That will be better no ?

OteKaï 19/05/2012 00:24:59   
OteKaï 36

(I try to speak in english, go ! ) I think "Excuse me" better than "sorry". What did you think about that ?

OteKaï 20/05/2012 14:07:12   
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Only Two

Only Two: couverture




Auteur :

Équipe : , , , , , , ,

Traduction par : PeekaBoo

Version originale: Français

Rythme de publication: Dimanche

Type : Comics/BDs

Genre : Thriller


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