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3 commentaires
LoloU 1

I can't wait to see some action!!lol i hope this is not going to be discontinued and leave us hanging :S i've know great comics which have hurt me like that lol well thank you sir for the comic so far the art and plot just makes me laugh and happy hehe xoo jaime beaucoup beaucoup!! hehe

LoloU 20/05/2012 12:21:33   
TroyB 41

LoloU a dit:I can't wait to see some action!!lol i hope this is not going to be discontinued and leave us hanging :S i've know great comics which have hurt me like that lol well thank you sir for the comic so far the art and plot just makes me laugh and happy hehe xoo jaime beaucoup beaucoup!! hehe

You won't be disappointed by the "action part"

TroyB 20/05/2012 13:21:30   
LoloU 1

TroyB a dit:LoloU a dit:I can't wait to see some action!!lol i hope this is not going to be discontinued and leave us hanging :S i've know great comics which have hurt me like that lol well thank you sir for the comic so far the art and plot just makes me laugh and happy hehe xoo jaime beaucoup beaucoup!! hehe

You won't be disappointed by the "action part"
yaaaaaaayyyy!!! lool please don't excite me this much before i actually see the page! lol too much anticipation

LoloU 21/05/2012 22:45:46   
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Graped: couverture




Auteur :

Équipe : , ,

Traduction par : tze

Version originale: English

Rythme de publication: Lundi, Mercredi, Samedi

Type : manga

Genre : Yaoi - Boys love


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