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12181 vues
6 commentaires
Marina 2

Wouh! Awesome!!

Marina 06/02/2012 08:33:18   
Momin 1

Links are allowed in comments only for Team Members!

Momin 25/12/2024 10:26:15   
qwe 1

че за нах???де русский перевод???

qwe 16/07/2012 15:34:42   
Saikono 1

Переключить язык можно нажав на флаг в верхнем правом углу

Saikono 15/01/2013 10:19:42   
Alexs09 1

they already have access to the pages.
However, there might be readers who aren't interested in subscribing but would rather make a one-time Links are allowed in comments only for Team Members! contribution.

Alexs09 13/10/2023 20:52:58   
Momin 1

The term **"Mun Chod"** refers to a concept in Tibetan Buddhism, particularly within the context of Chöd practice. Chöd (pronounced "chö") is a Tibetan Buddhist practice that involves the offering of one's body as a form of spiritual offering, and it is associated with the *taming of fears, ego, and attachments*.

The term **"Mun Chod"** specifically refers to the "chöd" practice performed in a particular manner, often by *Tibetan yogis or practitioners*. In this context, Mun Chod involves rituals in which practitioners *symbolically offer* their body to the *spirits* or *demonic forces*, often through the chanting of prayers or mantras, to dispel *ego* and *attachments*. This practice is deeply rooted in the Vajrayana tradition of Tibetan Buddhism and often includes rituals and *visualizations* to aid in spiritual transformation.

Momin 24/12/2024 13:10:38   
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Auteur :

Équipe : ,

Traduction par : tze

Version originale: English

Rythme de publication: Lundi, Mercredi, Vendredi

Type : manga

Genre : Action

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