hurry up! i want more of manga!!!
yeah ... my translator is a little bit slow -_-"
Keiden a dit:yeah ... my translator is a little bit slow -_-" yea.... I can see... becouse it only 8 chapters!! P.S. It's realy good story
thank you so much ! And I tell her to hurry up ! (sorry for my english x] )
Keiden a dit:thank you so much ! And I tell her to hurry up ! (sorry for my english x] ) I wish i knew france P.S. i'm not from englad too
erm i really love this manga but i only know a little french! so please update soon
I try very hard to but amilova don't want my pages in blank T_T I uploaded it but it doesn't appear T_T I'll contact the boss ! :b PS: so sorry for my bad english TxT
I love that cover! It looks really good! :3 I luv kitty faces. :3
Auteur : Keiden
Équipe : Isaae
Traduction par : PeekaBoo
Version originale: Français
Type : manga
Genre : Yaoi - Boys love
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hurry up! i want more of manga!!!
death_cookie 15/03/2012 18:35:11Auteur
yeah ... my translator is a little bit slow -_-"
Keiden 15/03/2012 18:54:36Keiden a dit:yeah ... my translator is a little bit slow -_-"
death_cookie 15/03/2012 19:08:28yea.... I can see... becouse it only 8 chapters!!
P.S. It's realy good story
thank you so much ! And I tell her to hurry up !
Keiden 15/03/2012 20:36:31(sorry for my english x] )
Keiden a dit:thank you so much ! And I tell her to hurry up !
death_cookie 16/03/2012 18:31:20(sorry for my english x] )
I wish i knew france
P.S. i'm not from englad too
erm i really love this manga but i only know a little french! so please update soon
Kiaral 12/05/2012 17:48:00Auteur
I try very hard to but amilova don't want my pages in blank T_T
Keiden 26/11/2013 10:57:54I uploaded it but it doesn't appear T_T
I'll contact the boss ! :b
PS: so sorry for my bad english TxT
I love that cover! It looks really good! :3
HamKitty15 25/09/2017 05:52:08I luv kitty faces. :3