Auteur : Gogéta Jr, Asura00, Salagir
Équipe : fikiri, Tomoko, Robot Panda, TroyB
Version originale: Français
Type : manga
Genre : Humour
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English publication will now be at the same time as the french !
Salagir 29/03/2011 10:33:53I've translated all the text in advance

gianna 29/03/2011 18:00:07Nice page! I love that cat!
ok one i guess they're not jerks and two a dwarf named mineshaft XD
Thegreatsaiyaman 26/05/2011 01:12:27Completely ignored. No charisma on her part, I suppose.
Diogenes Mota 28/06/2011 16:48:03i LOOOVE cats
englahimla 06/05/2013 18:23:03