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10 commentaires
johandark 34

Pantene Pro V, Healthy and Cute hair... jaja this draw reminds me a lot, the hemispheres character when he unwear his helmet.

I´m not understandint really well where do you want to go with this story.. but is impossible to deny that this comic Rocks!.. amazing draws and storyline.

johandark 20/05/2011 09:38:26   
Sool 15

johandark a dit:Pantene Pro V, Healthy and Cute hair... jaja this draw reminds me a lot, the hemispheres character when he unwear his helmet.

I´m not understandint really well where do you want to go with this story.. but is impossible to deny that this comic Rocks!.. amazing draws and storyline.

LOL that's a nice reference to Hemispheres . This private joke made me laugh a lot !!!

Papa Lova, don't die . Or die with pride and coolness .

Sool 23/05/2011 08:30:32   
gui19900221 3

Well, if that one really hurt, like I said in a comment to the previous page, Amilova's dad sure is good at hiding it. I hope he isn't really faking all that much, and that he is indeed alright.

gui19900221 20/05/2011 23:59:08   
jdog 1

havnt you ever wished that you could get marrited and have a famliy in a tv show

jdog 21/05/2011 21:51:30   
Sool 15

jdog a dit:havnt you ever wished that you could get marrited and have a famliy in a tv show

Sool 23/05/2011 09:19:28   
Sool 15

So now what is everything Italic ?

Sool 23/05/2011 09:19:08   
TroyB 41

Sool a dit: <em>So now what is everything Italic ? </em>

We're working on solving this bug, sorry for the inconvenience.

TroyB 23/05/2011 09:20:19   
Thegreatsaiyaman 3

Heros like me have very hard spines that way we can more throughly protect people

Thegreatsaiyaman 26/05/2011 00:57:45   
Drawly 11

New coloring of the page done ;D

Drawly 03/10/2011 15:44:22   
Ouroboros 28

at that same moment the cat is bleeding inside the bag isn't it?

Ouroboros 17/12/2012 09:15:18   

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Amilova: couverture




Auteur : , ,

Équipe : , , , ,

Traduction par : TroyB

Version originale: Français

Rythme de publication: Dimanche

Type : manga

Genre : Action


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