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12 commentaires
TroyB 41

No comments this week, what's happening dear lazy readers ?

The team is working its ass off to offer you the most amazing coloured manga !
With 4 pages per week !
I don't think there are many comics and mangas over the world offering you all that for free !!!

Maybe the scantrads (illegal, remember ?) made you lose sight of how lucky you are to read free legal comics !!!

dear silent english speaking readers...
Comment !
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Write stuff !
Or soon, you'll have to read Amilova in french or spanish .

TroyB 30/05/2011 19:34:28   
Thegreatsaiyaman 3

TroyB a dit:No comments this week, what's happening dear lazy readers ?

The team is working its ass off to offer you the most amazing coloured manga !
With 4 pages per week !
I don't think there are many comics and mangas over the world offering you all that for free !!!

Maybe the scantrads (illegal, remember ?) made you lose sight of how lucky you are to read free legal comics !!!

dear silent english speaking readers...
Comment !
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Write stuff !
Or soon, you'll have to read Amilova in french or spanish .

I'm srry Bro I was trying to read Toriko all this week and forgot all about Amilova T_T

Thegreatsaiyaman 31/05/2011 03:07:53   
TroyB 41

Thegreatsaiyaman a dit:TroyB a dit:No comments this week, what's happening dear lazy readers ?

The team is working its ass off to offer you the most amazing coloured manga !
With 4 pages per week !
I don't think there are many comics and mangas over the world offering you all that for free !!!

Maybe the scantrads (illegal, remember ?) made you lose sight of how lucky you are to read free legal comics !!!

dear silent english speaking readers...
Comment !
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Write stuff !
Or soon, you'll have to read Amilova in french or spanish .

I'm srry Bro I was trying to read Toriko all this week and forgot all about Amilova T_T

Well at least you have an excuse... YOU FORGOT .
Not like all the other readers that pass here and are too lazy to leave a comment .
This page is read hundreds of times every day... that's a bit sad that reader enjoy and just leave...

Well, thanks to you dear Thegreatsaiyaman . U rock !

TroyB 31/05/2011 08:33:05   
McLeod 15

TroyB a dit:No comments this week, what's happening dear lazy readers ?

The team is working its ass off to offer you the most amazing coloured manga !
With 4 pages per week !
I don't think there are many comics and mangas over the world offering you all that for free !!!

Maybe the scantrads (illegal, remember ?) made you lose sight of how lucky you are to read free legal comics !!!

dear silent english speaking readers...
Comment !
React !
Write stuff !
Or soon, you'll have to read Amilova in french or spanish .

Yes Troy sorry I'll try my best to participate and support Amilova's team, you deserve it !!!

McLeod 01/06/2011 11:19:47   
gui19900221 3

Well, Amilova's dad is very good at giving wise explanations... but even so, he'll probably have to be very good at something else to get them out of this, judging from Amilova's panicked look on the last panel.

gui19900221 31/05/2011 09:52:02   
oscar 1

The Yin/Yang background is very cool !!!

oscar 01/06/2011 14:35:40   
Harpedseal43 1

hey i just got here

Harpedseal43 16/07/2011 17:57:10   
TroyB 41

Harpedseal43 a dit:hey i just got here

Cool !

TroyB 08/09/2011 12:11:49   
Drawly 11

Now this page is colored too ^^ Enjoy

Drawly 11/10/2011 15:35:26   
Madkarly 2

I have thoroughly enjoyed reading these last few pages, thank you for voicing an honest, truthful perspective on the world. Order and chaos having to co-exist side by side in perfect harmony is completely true, as with the cycle of birth and death.

Once again thank you for creating this amazing comic for us 'English readers'. <3

Madkarly 13/11/2012 00:23:19   
Rinchan 1

Please no.. It's just because it leaves me speechless.. This manga is great.. No, it it's awesome!! ♥

Rinchan 22/02/2013 08:14:11   
~Tornado GeGe The Almighty Tian Dragon a.k.a. Head 5


but yeah that's an interesting philosophy. Which I actually personally agree to myself in some regards. This page had me a bit spooked.

~Tornado GeGe The Almighty Tian Dragon a.k.a. Head 25/02/2015 07:30:37   

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Amilova: couverture




Auteur : , ,

Équipe : , , , ,

Traduction par : TroyB

Version originale: Français

Rythme de publication: Dimanche

Type : manga

Genre : Action


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