Auteur : Gogéta Jr, Salagir, TroyB
Équipe : fikiri, Tomoko, Adamantine, Drawly, Robot Panda
Traduction par : MALEM
Version originale: Français
Rythme de publication: Dimanche
Type : manga
Genre : Action
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Troy please bring the full version of this and the previous page ! As you see, I got complaints lol.
MALEM 20/08/2011 12:42:07Auteur
MALEM a dit:Troy please bring the full version of this and the previous page ! As you see, I got complaints lol.
TroyB 20/08/2011 21:57:29Yes it's a double page... that has been cut somewhere during upload... I'll fix that monday
By the way I guess that you did the translations Malem right
? Thanks for that
TroyB 20/08/2011 21:58:00TroyB a dit:By the way I guess that you did the translations Malem right
? Thanks for that
MALEM 21/08/2011 02:01:25Yes I did the translations in the full version of both images. You can use my links if you want. Plus can I use the police I chose for bubbles ? Really this crappy police is ticking me off.
You know, it wouldn't be hard for someone to go into the French section, take the pages, replace the text in English (after translating them), and re-upload them online.
MasterChefX 20/08/2011 23:49:05Auteur
MasterChefX a dit:You know, it wouldn't be hard for someone to go into the French section, take the pages, replace the text in English (after translating them), and re-upload them online.
TroyB 21/08/2011 10:04:43It's never hard to do it once or twice.
But it's hard to do it regularly and seriously, people that are taking care of translations and helping the artists are real Heroes !
Lookat the comic directory !
You can see there's a lot of comics... that unfortunately are still only in french... I'm in contact with some Heroes so more english comics can be provided... keep in touch
I already did that MasterChefX, but Troy suggested this method. I can't go against the admin ! And I corrected the inversion mistake from previous page thanks to you
MALEM 21/08/2011 01:59:54EDIT : Troy, next page is ready and already translated, but the translation to appear button doesn't work, please fix that asap so that I translate the rest.
MALEM a dit:
TroyB 21/08/2011 09:58:45EDIT : Troy, next page is ready and already translated, but the translation to appear button doesn't work, please fix that asap so that I translate the rest.
Salagir will fix that tomorrow, I'll keep you posted
She fainted? Usually, this is the point that most protagonists snap. Different. I like it!
Son Kenshiro 02/08/2012 19:15:10That schucks.....
TheDifferenceBetweenRightandRight 19/03/2013 16:47:40