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10198 vues
6 commentaires
charlie 2158 1

"Ups" In english "Oops" is more customary unless im reading it wrong :P

charlie 2158 05/05/2011 05:18:54   
diogo 2

charlie 2158 a dit:"Ups" In english "Oops" is more customary unless im reading it wrong :P
You're right! My bad!

diogo 05/05/2011 08:10:44   
derp 2

wow, seems like my prediction is coming true

derp 06/05/2011 02:37:57   
Kor the Legendary Kami 2

Shon: "Oh no, run run away. Yeah yeah I already know what's gonna happen though it is still sad that he's gonna die because he is a really awesome dad/dude."

Kor the Legendary Kami 07/05/2011 22:23:49   
Thegreatsaiyaman 3

once again I wonder what could turn so many protesters against the ways of Great justice!!! but no really their like srsly pissed. ( especially the second from the bottom left lolz )

Thegreatsaiyaman 10/05/2011 02:14:16   
Kor the Legendary Kami 2

Thegreatsaiyaman a dit:once again I wonder what could turn so many protesters against the ways of Great justice!!! but no really their like srsly pissed. ( especially the second from the bottom left lolz )

Kor: "Go- uh er Great Saiyaman, you must use the Sacred Water to purify these poor souls from the effects of the Black Water Mist." LOL

Shon: "Okay that was my reference to DBZ by using me online persona who happens to be a Saiyan oh Great Saiyaman protector of justice. But in all seriousness they kinda do look like they are infected by the Black Water Mist, don'tcha think?"

Kor the Legendary Kami 12/05/2011 02:24:28   
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Amilova: couverture




Auteur : , ,

Équipe : , , , ,

Traduction par : TroyB

Version originale: Français

Rythme de publication: Dimanche

Type : manga

Genre : Action


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