Équipe : Drawly, Niiii' Link, Gokuten, MelodyYukai, Robot Panda
Traduction par : Drawly
Version originale: Français
Rythme de publication: Samedi
Type : manga
Genre : Action
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lol just like arthur brother from lambik from the comic suske en wiske) english version has different names i think
a3thethird 11/06/2011 22:09:13a3thethird a dit:lol just like arthur brother from lambik from the comic suske en wiske) english version has different names i think Yes indeed! You are from Vlaanderen too? (Antwerp)
XplosiX 12/06/2011 12:31:02XplosiX a dit:a3thethird a dit:lol just like arthur brother from lambik from the comic suske en wiske) english version has different names i think Yes indeed! You are from Vlaanderen too? (Antwerp)
? I have friends there I'm sure they would be happy to read this in dutch, you should offer your help to the team if you have time 
McLeod 13/06/2011 11:46:39Ohoh you're belgian from flanders
XplosiX a dit:a3thethird a dit:lol just like arthur brother from lambik from the comic suske en wiske) english version has different names i think Yes indeed! You are from Vlaanderen too? (Antwerp)The Netherlands actually
a3thethird 15/06/2011 23:48:58very cool Picchoshi is hilarious
oscar 13/06/2011 15:56:24lool a pokeball
Kenyana 13/06/2011 20:38:35mixing these universe is an incredibly good idea guys, you rock !!!
joejunker 14/06/2011 00:46:20berizo your style is getting better I prefer this than your style on DBM specials !
McLeod 14/06/2011 04:53:34lol thats a interesting way to fly lol
Krillin 15/08/2011 05:56:59now that i get its funny
kirma 09/05/2012 14:47:58