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4 commentaires
Hyp3rB14d3 3

Looks like Piccoshi couldn't make up his mind.

Hyp3rB14d3 24/07/2011 23:44:23   
a3thethird 2

Would be funny if he missed 3 of them :P

a3thethird 30/07/2011 00:58:17   
Cole 2

Don't worry Raditz, we were just as surprised as you.

Piccoshi just wants to really make sure that the enemy and possibly Goku are eliminated. Although none of these attacks are like the special beam cannon that goes straight through its target.
Unless the four attacks merge into one super attack. Either way Raditz and Goku will surely be hurting after this haha.

Cole 05/09/2011 04:08:50   
mcgrnwlf 8

why gadoken? why not hado burst

mcgrnwlf 18/09/2011 02:19:26   
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