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3 commentaires
Mart 17

You did a great job with the rain

Mart 04/11/2011 00:13:25   
johandark 34

Mart a dit:You did a great job with the rain

the first 15 pages are don mostly with pencil, ink and paper... the rest are done with pen tablet xD.. but rain i Think i made it in photoshop... Thanks Mart (on this pages there are a color version )

johandark 04/11/2011 00:56:33   
Mart 17

johandark a dit:Mart a dit:You did a great job with the rain

the first 15 pages are don mostly with pencil, ink and paper... the rest are done with pen tablet xD.. but rain i Think i made it in photoshop... Thanks Mart (on this pages there are a color version undefined)

I'm not a premium so i can't see the color version Also, i'm using photoshop for th rain too

Mart 04/11/2011 10:30:56   
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