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5 commentaires
babee 15

Your cartoons is realy good,and you draw with a tablet all this? well I have a big surprise! very good job and continue

babee 10/11/2011 00:26:19   
johandark 34

babee a dit:Your cartoons is realy good,and you draw with a tablet all this? well I have a big surprise! very good job and continue

Thanks! In chatper 5 I increased my art level But have in mind that these backgrounds are made in a Digital 3D program... ^^

johandark 10/11/2011 01:37:49   
babee 15

johandark a dit:babee a dit:Your cartoons is realy good,and you draw with a tablet all this? well I have a big surprise! very good job and continue

Thanks! In chatper 5 I increased my art level But have in mind that these backgrounds are made in a Digital 3D program... ^^
Well... I´m waiting for your good job! I´m new with programs of paint, one day I hope paint and drawn cenary like you! I love it! (do you remenber the post? When I have one good tool, I´m work harder to show a real good job too! )

babee 10/11/2011 01:59:39   
jrr0n 1

You've got an extra 'T' at the end of "Although" in the first bubble here. Sorry to nit-pick, but it's little things like mis-spellings that can ruin it for some people. :p

jrr0n 20/08/2012 20:41:31   
johandark 34

jrr0n a dit:You've got an extra 'T' at the end of "Although" in the first bubble here. Sorry to nit-pick, but it's little things like mis-spellings that can ruin it for some people. :p

Thanks for the advice

johandark 20/08/2012 20:48:22   
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ARKHAM roots

ARKHAM roots: couverture




Auteur :

Équipe : , , , , , , , , , , ,

Traduction par : evajung

Version originale: Español

Rythme de publication: Lundi, Mercredi, Vendredi

Type : manga

Genre : Fantasy - SF


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