Again very cool . Curious about what's coming next .
i´ve already done the second chapter with 11 pages more... Now im doing the dbm special.
Awesome ! Epic ! I love it !
Jameson ????
Mmmhhh... but why is the guy behind in grey exactly ? Effect of magic or what ?
no... its not magic. it´s a Mood effect for showing better the situation. (and avoiding to draw a background xD).
Ok great but when are they having sex ?
jajaja it´s not easy it would happen it soon xD
Jaume is really cool Calm like the situation is totally normal, i like it !
Soooo... Wednesday is today... can't wait
jeje yep... at 19:00 h. Like all my 3 comics in amilova :p Thanks for your interest ^^
Why do I see no lettering in the balloons?? They're all blank.
Auteur : johandark
Équipe : MROscar, Cap. AR!, oogamishiguma, Byabya~~♥, Smiley, evajung, sunpath, abby19, Bardock, Nico 13, lysgris, SAM_KYXA
Traduction par : evajung
Version originale: Español
Rythme de publication: Lundi, Mercredi, Vendredi
Type : manga
Genre : Fantasy - SF
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Fantasy - SF
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Again very cool
. Curious about what's coming next
TroyB 08/05/2011 19:11:04Auteur

johandark 08/05/2011 19:44:28i´ve already done the second chapter with 11 pages more... Now im doing the dbm special.
Awesome ! Epic ! I love it !
zebekenio 10/05/2011 12:40:43Jameson ????
Kenyana 10/05/2011 13:42:08Mmmhhh... but why is the guy behind in grey exactly ? Effect of magic or what ?
Sandy 10/05/2011 14:14:27Auteur
no... its not magic. it´s a Mood effect for showing better the situation. (and avoiding to draw a background xD).
johandark 10/05/2011 16:18:06Ok great but when are they having sex

oscar 10/05/2011 14:39:53Auteur
jajaja it´s not easy it would happen it soon xD
johandark 10/05/2011 16:18:38Jaume is really cool
Sakurazu 10/05/2011 15:54:51Calm like the situation is totally normal, i like it !
Soooo... Wednesday is today... can't wait
McLeod 11/05/2011 16:17:03Auteur
jeje yep... at 19:00 h. Like all my 3 comics in amilova :p
johandark 11/05/2011 16:39:27Thanks for your interest ^^
Why do I see no lettering in the balloons?? They're all blank.
evajung 12/10/2012 04:38:16