Auteur : johandark
Équipe : MROscar, Cap. AR!, oogamishiguma, Byabya~~♥, Smiley, evajung, sunpath, abby19, Bardock, Nico 13, lysgris, SAM_KYXA
Traduction par : evajung
Version originale: Español
Rythme de publication: Lundi, Mercredi, Vendredi
Type : manga
Genre : Fantasy - SF
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Yes that's true it looks 10 times better with the real cool fonts you're using JohanDark !
TroyB 12/04/2011 21:17:43Are you progressing with the second chapter and new pages
jeje yes, i´m doing a different style in the second chapter, more like toriyama Black And White, but draws are better. (just there are not so colorful of grays.
johandark 13/04/2011 00:01:54Keep goin it's cool!!
luc1311 13/04/2011 12:04:18Auteur
johandark 13/04/2011 12:22:55Oh and BTW I love the comic likt Typo you've chosen!
luc1311 13/04/2011 14:59:40