Équipe : Drawly, Niiii' Link, Gokuten, MelodyYukai, Robot Panda
Traduction par : Kristian Saïx Niccolò Paderi
Version originale: Français
Rythme de publication: Samedi
Type : manga
Genre : Action
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Commentator: "OOOOOOOOOH!!!"
Traduire Dunified 04/01/2018 11:25:48GAME OVER
Piccolo: "GG EZ"
Nice one Piccolo.
Traduire HyperSonic_1985 04/01/2018 11:38:17Es como la espada de Dabura
Traduire ChamanCaido 04/01/2018 11:46:53Auteur
Pues claro!! El Rey Demonio Piccolo Daimao usa una espada de Demonios!!!
Traduire Chewys 04/01/2018 15:36:21ofcourse new piccolo made a sword for Gohan in the early days.
Traduire Ouroboros 04/01/2018 17:14:29Dah
Yeah, it always bothered me that Piccolo didn't use magic in combats.
Traduire Chewys 04/01/2018 17:31:16I mean, he could have chopped Nappa's head when he got him distracted.
Or even pierce Freezers head with a spear instead of justo kicking him when he saved Goku...
I mean, creating weapons one hell of anability!!!
plus as the king of demons he has to copy dabura's style
Traduire Ouroboros 04/01/2018 18:35:40Oh no...
Traduire Lourea 991 04/01/2018 22:03:58that looks like dabra's sword, plus how does he know that he have 2 cut off the tail?
Traduire venuu 05/01/2018 11:25:30about three pages ago, Piccolo read his mind
Traduire ChamanCaido 06/01/2018 02:19:07oops i forgot, sorry for that
Traduire venuu 06/01/2018 02:34:51Hey, Chewys. I recently started reading the novelization of DBM and it says that the team knew Cold and Coola. Just wanted you to know.
Traduire JoKar1007 06/01/2018 01:35:55Auteur
Heyy!! Put the link please!!S
Traduire Chewys 06/01/2018 16:16:47Pues yo no recuerdo cual era exactamente ese capitulo, creo que era alrededor del Videl vs Cold, recuerdo que se mencionaba que habían combatido contra Cold en su primera forma de reducción.
Traduire Ap0caliptic0t0tal 03/12/2023 18:46:32interesting. I was hoping a fight between an ozaru and a giant Picollo.
Traduire Cell3 13/01/2018 22:11:24Auteur
Truth is i intended to do so at a moment... but there are not nearly enough Ozaru images to make an interesting fight
Traduire Chewys 14/01/2018 00:31:44Espada de Dabra
Traduire Forofgold 17/06/2021 00:17:00Supongo que a Piccolo no le gusta luchar con espadas y no le interesaba poner esfuerzo en aprender esgrima, por eso nunca utiliza espadas, exceptuando esta situación extraordinaria.
Traduire Ap0caliptic0t0tal 03/12/2023 18:39:01