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3501 vues
6 commentaires
Sakurazu 1

Loool poor him !

Sakurazu 11/05/2011 16:42:50   
a100g60 1

Sandwiched !

a100g60 11/05/2011 18:12:16   
zebekenio 1

Excellent I totally like it !

zebekenio 11/05/2011 23:55:53   
johandark 34

Thank for your comments

(What´s gonna happen the next page?...)

johandark 12/05/2011 12:21:06   
shicajacs 2

I must admit that first pages in color were great, next in black and white were really strange ones. But now is increasing in quality really much. I´m waiting for the next page... to see what will happen.

(Just one thing, the story is going really slow!! jajaja there´s no text, I know that reading is fast but wait 3 days for the next page is a torture jajaja). Great Job JohanDark

shicajacs 12/05/2011 14:18:09   
johandark 34

Thank you very much. this is a great critic hehe I´ll do my best

johandark 12/05/2011 21:01:57   
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Dark Heroes_2010

Dark Heroes_2010: couverture




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Version originale: Español

Type : Comics/BDs

Genre : Fantasy - SF


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