come on man not arkham too
ZXkai a dit:come on man not arkham too what you mean? :s
johandark a dit:ZXkai a dit:come on man not arkham too what you mean? :s i can't read arkham or amilova because i have to be premium why?
ZXkai a dit:johandark a dit:ZXkai a dit:come on man not arkham too what you mean? :s i can't read arkham or amilova because i have to be premium why? 8 comics of Amilova are this way now. We publish 5 pages every week. (about 20 pages per month). But the last 20 pages will be always only visible for Platinum Users. and the last 5 pages will be always only visible for Premium Members. So you will have to wait just a little bit more... but at the end all pages will be free... Just a little bit more later.
why here're empty baloon?
death_cookie a dit:why here're empty baloon? I didn´t know.. but now it´s filled! thanks
johandark a dit:death_cookie a dit:why here're empty baloon? I didn´t know.. but now it´s filled! thanks thank you
Auteur : johandark
Équipe : MROscar, Cap. AR!, oogamishiguma, Byabya~~♥, Smiley, evajung, sunpath, abby19, Bardock, Nico 13, lysgris, SAM_KYXA
Traduction par : evajung
Version originale: Español
Rythme de publication: Lundi, Mercredi, Vendredi
Type : manga
Genre : Fantasy - SF
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come on man not arkham too
ZXkai 10/04/2012 14:13:00Auteur
ZXkai a dit:come on man not arkham too
johandark 10/04/2012 14:20:47what you mean? :s
johandark a dit:ZXkai a dit:come on man not arkham too
ZXkai 10/04/2012 14:23:45what you mean? :s i can't read arkham or amilova because i have to be premium why?
ZXkai a dit:johandark a dit:ZXkai a dit:come on man not arkham too
johandark 10/04/2012 15:31:59what you mean? :s i can't read arkham or amilova because i have to be premium why?
8 comics of Amilova are this way now.
We publish 5 pages every week. (about 20 pages per month).
But the last 20 pages will be always only visible for Platinum Users.
and the last 5 pages will be always only visible for Premium Members.
So you will have to wait just a little bit more... but at the end all pages will be free... Just a little bit more later.
why here're empty baloon?
death_cookie 11/04/2012 10:24:43Auteur
death_cookie a dit:why here're empty baloon?
johandark 11/04/2012 18:05:47I didn´t know.. but now it´s filled!
johandark a dit:death_cookie a dit:why here're empty baloon?
death_cookie 12/04/2012 16:31:33I didn´t know.. but now it´s filled!
thank you