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14174 vues
7 commentaires
Marina 2

It's absolutely hilarious
Looking forward to a new chapter!

Marina 15/03/2012 09:24:28   
johandark 34

Yeah!! I saw this comic in MangaMagazine... and I loved there... I´m really happy that you decided to upload here your comic Leth!

johandark 16/03/2012 18:56:03   
ThatOneGuy 1

Aaaaaaand now I finished Chapter 1. First three pages and I;m already laughing my rear end off.

ThatOneGuy 01/09/2012 21:20:44   
Dethbeast666 4

Lol this is really good

Dethbeast666 11/09/2012 19:40:23   
Hrevelax 1

That was awful. I'm going to keep reading, maybe it'll pick up?

Hrevelax 14/10/2012 09:14:36   
alrickdrinkson 24

wow that's the same thing after prekel of jakob's cove addon in borderland > <"

alrickdrinkson 19/01/2013 12:56:09   
Death-carioca 30

Really? I love Domino's pizza...

Death-carioca 19/03/2014 18:23:04   
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Leth Hate

Leth Hate: couverture




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Version originale: English

Type : Comics/BDs

Genre : Humour


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